Assisting Clients with Medication

by Altura Learning
Closed Caption

Course Description:

Be familiar with your role in assisting and/or supporting clients with medications and medication administration.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Identify their role in assisting and/or supporting clients with medications
  • Identify the process involved prior to assisting a client with medications
  • Appreciate the importance of following their organisation’s policies and procedures when assisting and/or supporting clients with medication
  • Assist and/or support clients with administration of medications according to prescriptions and instructions
  • Follow organisational policies and procedure in handling any issues that may arise as a result of medication administration

Who is this course appropriate for:

This course is appropriate for all Staff

Continuing Professional Development Hours:

CPD: This course is worth 0.75 Continuing Professional Development hours.

 View the trailer below to preview the course:

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