Dignity and Respect

by Altura Learning

Closed Caption

Course Description:

It is a basic human right to be treated with dignity and respect. This course discusses the ethos of promoting dignity in care to ensure you as a care worker have the skills to ensure individual’s needs and wishes remain at the centre of receiving care in their home.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe dignity and respect and the importance of these concepts to individuals
  • Explain what dignity and respect means in the context of a home care setting
  • Demonstrate how the principles of dignity, respect and individualised strategies can be promoted in the home care setting

Who is this course appropriate for:

This course is appropriate for all staff who work in the social care industry.

Continuing Professional Development Hours:

Up to 8 hours can be earned completing this course.

You can earn 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hour by completing the video and assessment questions. If you wish to extend your learning and earn up to an additional 7 CPD hours, you may download the extension exercise which is attached to this course.

View the trailer below to preview the course:

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