H&S: Supporting People To Move

by Altura Learning

Closed Caption

Course Description: 

This extended length course (55 minutes) practically demonstrates the correct procedures of various manual handling manoeuvres used in a care and support setting. The importance of performing these moves safely, to minimise risk to the individual whilst maintaining their dignity and independence, is explored.

Safe manual handling protects both the person being supported and the staff. This course explores various manual handling manoeuvres that are seen in a care and support setting.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the principles of manual handling and the importance of risk assessment
  • Recognise how dignity and independence should be maintained
  • Identify different types of manual handling equipment and when each one is required
  • Safely support a person to:
    • Stand up and move from the chair to walk, using a transfer belt
    • Move up the bed, using two slide sheets
    • Move up the air chair, using two slide sheets
    • Roll, using the person’s body mechanics
    • Roll, using a slide sheet
    • Stand up and move from the bed to the chair, using walking frame
    • Stand up and move from the chair to the wheelchair, using stand up hoist
    • Move from the bed to the chair, using a full sling hoist
    • Move off the floor without equipment
    • Move off the floor, using full sling hoist
    • Move off the floor, using lifting cushion
    • Move from the bed to trolley (for transporting or bath) using transfer board and slide sheet

Who is this course appropriate for:

Registered Nurses and Care/Support Workers

Continuing Professional Development Hours:

Up to 9 hours can be earned completing this course.

You can earn 2 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hour by completing the video and assessment questions. If you wish to extend your learning and earn up to an additional 7 CPD hours, you may download the extension exercise which is attached to this course.

View the trailer below to preview the course:

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