Falls: Minimising the Risk

by Altura Learning

Closed Caption

Course Description:

Did you know that falls account for 40% of injury-related deaths and one percent of total deaths in the over 85's. They can have devastating consequences for older people. In this course we explore ways of minimising the risk of falls or injury whilst maintaining a person's independence.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define the meaning of the term 'fall' and identify the impact falls may have on quality of life
  • Identify risk factors contributing to falls
  • Outline strategies to minimise the number of falls and the injuries they can cause while maintaining independence

Who is this course appropriate for:

This course is appropriate for care staff, registered nurses and management.

Continuing Professional Development Hours:

Up to 8 hours can be earned completing this course.

You can earn 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hour by completing the video and assessment questions. If you wish to extend your learning and earn up to an additional 7 CPD hours, you may download the extension exercise which is attached to this course.

View the trailer below to preview the course:

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