Wound Care: An Overview

Course Description:
Describe the common types of wounds that may be seen in a home care setting, preventative strategies and your role in supporting a client who has a dressing.
This resource provides up to date guidance on how to support a client with a wound within the home care setting. It provides sign posts for promotion of good skin care and optimum healing, including identification of scenarios for reporting and escalation of treatment and care.
Subjects Covered:
Anatomy of the skin - Effects of the ageing process - Preventative strategies to maintain skin integrity - Risk factors - Pressure injuries - Skin tears - Venous ulcers - Arterial ulcers - Diabetic Foot Ulcers - The purpose of dressings - Supporting a client with a dressing
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe the anatomy of the skin and the effects of the ageing process
- Outline preventative strategies to maintain skin integrity
- Describe common types of wounds that may be seen in a home care setting
- Understand your role in supporting a client with a dressing
Who is this course appropriate for:
All care staff working in the home care sector.
Continuing Professional Development Hours:
Up to 8 hours can be earned completing this course.
You can earn 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hour by completing the video and assessment questions. If you wish to extend your learning and earn up to an additional 7 CPD hours, you may download the extension exercise which is attached to this course.
View the trailer below to preview the course: