LGBTQ+:  Promoting Inclusion and Awareness

LGBTQ+: Promoting Inclusion and Awareness

Altura Learning


Course Description: This course provides an insight into LGBTQ+ history and how care and support can be improved to meet the needs of older LGBTQ+...

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Sexuality and the Older Person

Sexuality and the Older Person

Altura Learning


Course Description: What does sexuality mean? Understand the impact our own embarrassment, attitudes and sensitivities can have on the individuals...

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Promoting Good Mental Health for the Older Person

Promoting Good Mental Health for the Older Person

Altura Learning


Course Description: There are a number of mental health challenges that older people may experience. This course discusses the impact of poor ment...

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Spirituality Understanding Individual Needs

Spirituality Understanding Individual Needs

Altura Learning


Course Description: All people have spiritual needs, which may be separate from religion. In this course we explore the various forms that spiritu...

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Individual Choice and Decision-Making

Individual Choice and Decision-Making

Altura Learning


Course Description: Every person we care for has individual needs and preferences. This course outlines the principles of person-centred care, exa...

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Culturally Inclusive Care

Culturally Inclusive Care

Altura Learning


Course Description: People living in residential care come from a variety of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This course explor...

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Loneliness: Alone in a Crowd

Loneliness: Alone in a Crowd

Altura Learning


Course Description: Did you know that among older people living in UK care homes today, the rate of severe loneliness is more than twice as high a...

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